Lupo, Thomas: 3 Pavans

for 3 instruments.

Thomas Lupo, who died in 1628, was one of a family of musicians of Italian origin, who worked in England for about a hundred years from 1540. He was by far the most distinguished member of his family, and ended his career in the prestigious position of “composer to the lutes and voices” at the court of James I.
These three pavans, which are printed here after Oxford, Christ Church MSS 423-8, are relatively late examples of the form, very far from its dance origins; while each piece still begins in a solemn vein, contrasting elements are introduced, creating a texture that is constantly shifting and growing.
In this edition the original note values have been retained. The original accidentals are taken as applying to the whole bar; correcting accidentals in brackets have been supplied where necessary.


6,50 EUR

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML198  

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