Kindermann, Johann Erasmus: 3 Balletti & Aria

for 2 high instruments and continuo.

Erasmus Kindermann was born in Nürnberg in 1616 and died there in 1655. In fact he seems to have spent most of his short life in that city, where he was a leading musical figure, apart from a brief study spell in Italy around 1635. He was a prolific and adapatable composer who wrote in most of the forms available at the time. These four pieces, in common with the four found in no. 10 of the present series, are taken from Kindermann´s DELICIAE STUDIOSORUM / Von allerhand / Symphonien, Arien, Sonaten, Intraden, Balleten, Sonetten und Rittornellen, auff allerhand blasenden Instrumenten als: Cometten, Posaunen, Flöten / Fagotten / wie auch auff unterschiedlichen Violen, Dritter Theil, published in Nürnberg in 1643. The first piece printed here is headed Cornetto overo Violino in both top parts, with Tromb[onel, Fag[ottol o Violinin the bass; no. 2 has the same heading in cantus primus, but only Violino in cantus secundus, and nothing specified for the bass; the Aria (no. 3) is headed Violino overo Flauto in both upper parts, and Violon o Fagotto in the bass; the final piece only Violino in the upper parts, without any instruction in the bass. The original note values have been retained in this edition. Editorial accidentals are printed small above the stave, applying to the one note only.


4,55 EUR

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML182  

inkl. 7% MwSt.

Lieferbar in 3-5 Werktagen  
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