CD Tomkins: Consort Music for Viols and Voices,

Keydoard music. Rose Consort of Viols. Red Byrd. Bryan, Roberts.

Thomas Tomkins: 1. Pavan in F major, 2. Almain in F major, 3. In Nomine, 4. Above the Stars, 5. Fantasia XIV, 6. Fantasia I, 7. A Fancy: For Two to Play, 8. Ut re mi, 9. O Lord, Let Me Know Mine End, 10. Fantasia XII, 11. In Nomine II, 12. Paven and Galliard: Earl Strafford, 13. Thomas Tomkins: Fantasia, 14. Thomas Tomkins: Miserere, 15. Thomas Tomkins: Voluntary, 16. Pavan in A minor, 17. Galliard: Thomas Simpson, 18. Thou Art My King, O God.

Produkt-ID: NAX-8550602

Lieferbar in 3-5 Werktagen

6,90 EUR

inkl. 19% MwSt.

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