Gabrieli, Giovanni: O magnum mysterium

for 8 voices or instruments in 2 choirs.

Giovanni Gabrieli´s O magnum mysterium has come down to us in the following printed source:
CONCERTI / DI ANDREA. /ET DI CIO: GABRIELI / ORGANISTI / DELLA SERENISS. SIG. DI VENETIA. / Continenti Musica DI CHIESA, Madrigali, & altro per voci, & stromenti Musicali; a 6,7,8,10,12 & 16. / Novamente con ogni diligentia dati in luce. / LIBRO PRIMO ET SECONDO, CON PRIVILEGIO. / IN VENETIA, Appresso Angelo Gardano, 1587.
This collection consists of vocal works of various kinds, both sacred and secular, together with one instrumental piece (Andrea Gabrieli´s 8-part ricercar, published in LPM VM3).
In this edition the original note values have been halved in the duple section, but quartered in the triple (bar 49), where the original time-signature is a 3. The occasional editorial accidental appears above the stave, applying to the one note only.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML148

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