Cavazzoni, Girolamo / Anon.: 2 Ricercari (1551)

for 3 instruments.

These two ricercars are taken from Fantasie Recercari Contrapunti a tre voci di M. Adriano & de altri Autori appropriati per Cantare & Sonare d´ogni sorte di Stromenti..., published in Venice by Antonio Gardane in 1551; this particular edition has only survived in an incomplete form, so we have used the 1559 reprint by the same publisher. Gardane´s collection contains 10 pieces by Adrian Willaert, one by Cipriano da Rore, three by a certain Antonio Barges, as well as the two pieces printed here.
Girolamo Cavazzoni (c. 1520-1577), like his father Marco Antonio, worked as an organist, chiefly in Mantua; among his pupils was Costanzo Antegnati. Both father and son were known variously as “da Bologna” and “d´Urbino”; this is presumably because Marco Antonio was born into a well-established Bologna family, but moved to Urbino. Girolamo Cavazzoni had two collections of keyboard music published, in 1540 and 1543.
In this edition, the original note values have been halved; this has resulted in a rather “black” note picture for no. 1. A few editorial accidentals are printed small above the stave, applying to the one note only.

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