Gabrieli, Andrea: Chi´nde darà le bose

for 3 voices or instruments.

This Giustiniana (a kind of Venetian popular song, equivalent to the villanella alla napolitana) comes from Andrea Gabrieli´s Greghesche et iustiniane a 3 voci, Venice, 1571. Giustiniane were normally comic songs, often sung by old men, or actors dressed as old men, and often featuring nonsense syllables, as found in the present piece. Often, as in the present case, there are double meanings. The text, of course, varies somewhat from standard Italian, with 'bose' for 'voce' and 'zusta' for 'giusta'; such differences can be found in Venetian street-names to this day.
In this edition the original note values have been halved throughout; editorial accidentals are printed small above the stave, applying to the one note only.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML365

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