Christenius, Johannes: 4 Pieces (1619)

for 5 instruments.

These pieces are taken from Johann Christenius´ Omnigeni, Mancherley Manier newer weltlicher Lieder, Paduanen, Intraden, teutscher und polnischer Täntze mit und ohne Texte,/ die da mehrentheils nach Violen oder Geigen ahrt infünff Stimmen gesetzet ... (Erfurt, 1619). As the title indicates, the collection includes both songs (mostly very simple) and instrumental pieces.
Johannes Christenius was born near Weimar around 1565, and died in Altenburg (Saxony), where he had been court Kantor for about ten years, in 1626. He was mainly a composer of church music, and is principally known for a set of special motets intended for use in the Lutheran Mass.
The two pavans printed here are unusual in including sections in triple time (though this feature is also found in the music of Schein and Brade). In these sections the original (black) note values have been halved. Elsewhere the original note values have been retained.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML346

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