Tomkins, Thomas: 2 Pavans

for 5 instruments.

These two pavans by Thomas Tornkins (1572-1656) are taken from British Library Add MSS. 17792-96. They are relatively late examples of the consort pavan (though the form was of course used right through to Purcell), and are far removed from any idea of dancing.
The original note values have been retained in this edition. Editorial accidentals are printed small above the stave, applying to the individual note only. Original accidentals are taken as applying to the whole bar, until contradicted.
These pieces can be played by stringed or wind instruments; players of the latter will be pleased to find slightly more rests than is usual in pavans of this time. In choosing a tempo for the first piece account should be taken of the busy texture in the third section.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML170

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