for medium voice and 3 viols.These are arranged as 'consort' songs from lute tablatures, part songs, figured bass etc. Four songs by Coprario - three of them from The Masque of Squires (1614), three by Nicholas Lanier (The Marigold, No more shall meads, Young and Simple), two by Henry Lawes (Man's Life is but vain, Have you e'er seen) and three by John Wilson (From the fair Lavinian shore, In a Maiden Time, Wherefore peep'st thou). They are set for medium voice, (up to F) and three will also suit an alto singer. These three songs are also supplied with parts in a higher key, vocal range up to G. There is a continuo score for keyboard, lute etc, which is optional - the music is complete without continuo; but sonority is richer with some pluckery etc. Score and set of parts.
Produkt-ID: CMP-485
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