le Jeune, Claude: 2 Chansons

for 4 voices or instruments.

These two light-hearted chansons by Claude Le Jeune are printed after the Phalèse anthology, Second livre des Meslanges, of 1612. Original note values have been retained; a few editorial accidentals, appear in the usual way, printed small above the stave, and applying to the one note only. Autant en emporte le vent is a rather innovative piece, with its shifting rhythmic patterns.
The Fuyons tous d´amour le jeu text had been sent by several other Renaissance composers, such as Certon (2 settings), Jean de Castro and Lassus. The first line of the second chanson seems to have been almost a catch phrase: several 16th century chansons begin thus.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML289

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4,60 EUR

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