Locke, Matthew: 2 Suites from the Little Consort

for 2 high instruments and continuo.

Matthew Locke was born in Exeter in 1621-2 and died in London in 1677. He was perhaps the most original English composer of his time working in the indigenous tradition - generally speaking he seems to have avoided the fashionable influence of contemporary French and Italian music, and instead developed, sometimes to extremes, the harmonic and melodic feaatures characteristic of English music of one or two generations before. He was particularly bold in his use of melodic intervals. These two suites are taken from Matthew Locke His little Consort of Three Parts; containing / Pavans, Ayres, corants and Sarabaands, for Viols or Violins. . . To be performed either alone or with Theorbo´s and Harpsecord, published by John Playford in 1656, though Locke´s own autograph (British Library, Add. MS 17801) has also been consulted. The original note values have been preserved throughout. The original accidentals are taken as applying to the whole bar until contradicted. As the title-page indicates, these pieces can be done with or without chordal instruments. The music is certainly complete with just the three melody instruments, but a chordal instrument such as lute, harpsichord or organ (this last not mentioned on the title-page) can be used to enrich the texture. In this edition the realisation appears separately, to avoid awkward page turns.

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML200

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